
API status code assertions

S-1: Status Code Assertion:-

S-2: Access Points Parameterization:-

Define access points as below

S-3: Payload – Parameterization

Define payload parameters at test suite level and refer them in pay load

S-4: Path Parameterization:-

Define property at test suite level and do the following in the request tab

S-5:Data Driven Testing:-

Add data source

Add Data source loop

Create XL – file as below

Define File path and sheet name and on run in configuration section

It will load the data as below

Click on Rest request à Form see the navigation

Request will be modify as below

S-6:Validate the response using script:-
import groovy.json.*

//grab the response
def ResponseMessage = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Req1").getPropertyValue("response")
def qa = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ResponseMessage)

//verify the slurper isn't empty
assert !(qa.isEmpty())
def arr = qa.id

//verify the Id, Type and Guid aren't null
log.info (qa.id)
assert qa.id!=null
assert qa.location!=null

for (int i=0;i<arr.size();i++)

S-7:- Convert XML to Json response and compare with expected values
//def response = context.expand('${Request 1#Response}')
//def User = new XmlParser().parseText(response)

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def response = context.expand( '${TryAddingAPIWithNewService#Response}' )
def slurper = new JsonSlurper() 
def result = slurper.parseText(response)
def errorMessageWhenAddingAPIWithNewServiceDisabled = result.faultstring.toString() 
log.info errorMessageWhenAddingAPIWithNewServiceDisabled

assert errorMessageWhenAddingAPIWithNewServiceDisabled == "The feature for adding an API or API version with new service is disabled.  For assistance, please contact the Site Administrator."

S- 8: Concatenation

S-9: Test Suite Report:-
Click on below icon to generate common reports and click on ‘Ok’.

Following report will be generated

S-10: JsonPath Match - Verifies the value specified by a JsonPath expression matches some expected value

Click on ‘Select node from to validate from current page’ and select any node. Click on ‘Ok and Save’

Assertion is passed as expected

S-11: JsonPath Existence Match - Verifies the element specified by a JsonPath expression exists in the target JSON

Click on ‘135’,

Click on ‘Save’ and send request

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